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Fort Salonga Elementary School

Excellence in Education

Dear Fort Salonga Families & Staff


 Welcome to Fort Salonga Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year from the FSPTA! My name is Jackie Costello and I am your PTA President for this upcoming year. I have two daughters in our school, one entering second grade and one who just left The Fort! This will be my forth year involved with this committee. As your PTA President for this year, I am deeply honored to be a part of this incredible community. I can’t wait to meet all the wonderful new faces and look forward to seeing familiar ones around as well. We’re in for an exciting year together! 


 Over the years, our family has been blessed with many cherished memories, thanks to the incredible activities and programs sponsored and organized by the PTA. As parents, we all support our children in their educational journey. As a PTA, we work collaboratively to support the school through many events, fundraisers and volunteer opportunities. This is YOUR PTA, and I encourage you to attend all of our meetings, events, or volunteer your time to ensure collective success, whether it's one hour or many hours. Whether it’s volunteering at an event, sharing your skills, or offering financial support, every contribution deeply matters. There are plenty of ways to get involved, big or small, from the comfort of your home or at school. The support we receive from teachers, staff, parents, and the community is the heart of our success.. So, I invite you to join the FSPTA and experience the magic! Your involvement is what makes our school community so special. Together, we let our children know how much we value them, their education, and their development.


"Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else's help." - Heather French Henry 


 Please remember, you are always welcome to email me with any questions, thoughts, ideas, or concerns you may have. If I don’t have an immediate answer, I'll do my best to get the right information to you. I look forward to our journey that life is about to take us all on. Cheers!

See you all soon! 
Jackie Costello, PTA President


Join the PTA!
Fort Salonga School PTA Store


How To Reach Us:
FACEBOOK:  Fort Salonga PTA 2024-2025


Other ways to support the PTA:
Givebacks <- Shop this link and the PTA receives a % back!

2024/2025 FS PTA Executive Committee 

Jackie Costello, President
Melissa Auffermann, 1st Vice President
Stella Samandar-Mushyakov, 2nd Vice President
Christine Dressler, 3rd Vice President
Andreia Dhanram, Treasurer
Gaby Sorrentino, Corresponding Secretary
Dana Muscara, Recording Secretary
Lauren Salgado, Parliamentarian


For General information or questions, please email us at: fortsalongapta@gmail.com